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एक नगर का सेठ अपार धन सम्पदा का स्वामी था

 एक नगर का सेठ अपार धन सम्पदा का स्वामी था। एक दिन उसे अपनी सम्पत्ति के मूल्य निर्धारण की इच्छा हुई। उसने तत्काल अपने लेखा अधिकारी को बुलाया और आदेश दिया कि मेरी सम्पूर्ण सम्पत्ति का मूल्य निर्धारण कर ब्यौरा दीजिए, पता तो चले मेरे पास कुल कितनी सम्पदा है।  सप्ताह भर बाद लेखाधिकारी ब्यौरा लेकर सेठ की सेवा में उपस्थित हुआ। सेठ ने पूछा- “कुल कितनी सम्पदा है?” लेखाधिकारी नें कहा – “सेठ जी, मोटे तौर पर कहूँ तो आपकी सात पीढ़ी बिना कुछ किए धरे आनन्द से भोग सके इतनी सम्पदा है आपकी” l लेखाधिकारी के जाने के बाद सेठ चिंता में डूब गए, ‘तो क्या मेरी आठवी पीढ़ी भूखों मरेगी?’ वे रात दिन चिंता में रहने लगे। तनाव ग्रस्त रहते, भूख भाग चुकी थी, कुछ ही दिनों में कृशकाय हो गए। सेठानी द्वारा बार बार तनाव का कारण पूछने पर भी जवाब नहीं देते। सेठानी से हालत देखी नहीं जा रही थी। उसने मन स्थिरता व शान्त्ति के किए साधु संत के पास सत्संग में जाने को प्रेरित किया। सेठ को भी यह विचार पसंद आया। चलो अच्छा है, संत अवश्य कोई विद्या जानते होंगे जिससे मेरे दुख दूर हो जाये l  सेठ सीधा संत समागम में पहूँचा और एक...

प्रभु किनको याद करते है

एक बार की बात है, वीणा बजाते हुए नारद मुनि भगवान श्रीराम के द्वार पर पहुँचे। नारायण नारायण !! नारदजी ने देखा कि द्वार पर हनुमानजी पहरा दे रहे है। हनुमानजी ने पूछा- नारद मुनि! कहाँ जा रहे हो ? नारदजी बोले- मैं प्रभु से मिलने आया हूँ। नारदजी ने हनुमानजी से पूछा प्रभु इस समय क्या कर रहे है ? हनुमानजी बोले- पता नहीं पर कुछ बही खाते का काम कर रहे है, प्रभु बही खाते में कुछ लिख रहे हैं। नारदजी- अच्छा ? क्या लिखा पढ़ी कर रहे है ? हनुमानजी बोले- मुझे पता नहीं मुनिवर आप खुद ही देख आना। नारद मुनि गए प्रभु के पास और देखा कि प्रभु कुछ लिख रहे है। नारद जी बोले- प्रभु आप बही खाते का काम कर रहे है ? ये काम तो किसी मुनीम को दे दीजिए। प्रभु बोले- नहीं नारद, मेरा काम मुझे ही करना पड़ता है। ये काम मैं किसी और को नही सौंप सकता। नारद जी- अच्छा प्रभु ऐसा क्या काम है? ऐसा आप इस बही खाते में क्या लिख रहे हो ? प्रभु बोले- तुम क्या करोगे देखकर, जाने दो। नारद जी बोले- नहीं प्रभु बताइये ऐसा आप इस बही खाते में क्या लिखते हैं ? प्रभु बोले- नारद इस बही खाते में उन भक्तों के नाम है जो मुझे हर पल भजते हैं। मैं उनकी नित्...

सम्राट आया बुद्ध को मिलने

एक सम्राट आया बुद्ध को मिलने। स्वभावतः सम्राट था तो उसने एक बहुमूल्य कोहिनूर जैसा हीरा अपने हाथ में ले लिया। चलते वक्त उसकी पत्नी ने कहा कि पत्थर ले जा रहे हो। पत्नी ज्यादा समझदार होगी। पत्नी ने कहाः पत्थर ले जा रहे हो। माना कि कितना ही मूल्यवान है; लेकिन बुद्ध के लिए इसका क्या मूल्य? जिसने सब साम्राज्य छोड़ दिया, उसके लिए पत्थर ले जा रहे हो। यह भेंट कुछ जंचती नहीं। अच्छा तो हो कि अपने महल के सरोवर में पहला कमल खिला है मौसम का, तुम वही ले जाओ। वह कम से कम जीवित तो है। और बुद्ध कमलवत हैं। उनके जीवन का फूल खिला है। उसमें कुछ प्रतीक भी है। इस पत्थर में क्या है? यह तो बिल्कुल बंद है, जड़ है। बात तो उसे जंची, तो उसने सोचा कि एक हाथ खाली भी है; पत्थर तो ले ही जाऊंगा, क्योंकि मुझे तो इसी में मूल्य है। तो, मैं तो वही चढ़ाऊंगा जिसमें मुझे मूल्य है। लेकिन तू कहती है, तेरी बात भी हो सकती है कि ठीक हो। और बुद्ध को मैं जानता भी नहीं कि किस तरह के आदमी हैं। तो फूल भी ले लिया। एक हाथ में कमल है, एक हाथ में हीरा, लेकर वह सम्राट बुद्ध के चरणों में गया। जैसे ही बुद्ध के पास पहुंचा और हीरे का हाथ उसने आगे ब...

नास्तिक को मिले प्रभु

नास्तिक को मिले प्रभु 🌿🌿🌿 . एक छोटा सा गांव था।  . गांव में एक वृद्ध साधु थे, जो गांव से थोड़ी सी दूरी पर स्थित श्रीकृष्ण मंदिर में कन्हैया की पूजा-अर्चना करते।  . और प्रतिदिन सायंकाल नियमपूर्वक अपनी झोपड़ी से निकलकर मंदिर जाते और भगवान के सम्मुख दीपक जलाते। . उसी गांव में एक नास्तिक व्यक्ति भी रहता था। उसने भी प्रतिदिन का नियम बना रखा था ‛दीपक बुझाने का’।  . जैसे ही साधु भगवान के सामने दीपक जला कर मंदिर से घर लौटते, वह नास्तिक मंदिर में जाकर दीपक को बुझा देता था।  . साधु ने कई बार उसे समझाने का प्रयत्न किया, पर वह कहता- “भगवान हैं, तो स्वयं ही आकर मुझे दीपक बुझाने से क्यों नहीं रोक देते?” . “बड़ा ही नास्तिक है तू...” कहते हुए साधु भी निकल जाते। . यह क्रम महीनों, वर्षों से चल रहा था।  . एक दिन की बात है, मौसम कुछ ज्यादा ही खराब था। आंधी-तूफान के साथ मूसलाधार बारिश हो रही थी।  . बारिश कुछ कम होने का नाम ही नहीं ले रही थी।  . साधु ने बहुत देर तक मौसम साफ होने की प्रतीक्षा की, और सोचा- ‛इतने तूफान में यदि मैं भीगते, परेशान हुए मंदिर गया भी और दीपक जला भी ...

राजा भोज की सभा

एक बार राजा भोज की सभा में एक व्यापारी ने प्रवेश किया। राजा ने उसे देखा तो देखते ही उनके मन में आया कि इस व्यापारी का सबकुछ छीन लिया जाना चाहिए। व्यापारी के जाने के बाद राजा ने सोचा – मै प्रजा को हमेशा न्याय देता हूं। आज मेेरे मन में यह अन्याय पूर्ण भाव क्यों आ गया कि व्यापारी की संपत्ति छीन ली जाये? उसने अपने मंत्री से सवाल किया मंत्री ने कहा, “इसका सही जवाब कुछ दिन बाद दे पाउंगा, राजा ने मंत्री की बात स्वीकार कर ली। मंत्री विलक्षण बुद्धि का था वह इधर-उधर के सोच-विचार में संयम न खोकर सीधा व्यापारी से मिलने पहुंचा। व्यापारी से दोस्ती करके उसने व्यापारी से पूछा, “तुम इतने चिंतित और दुखी क्यों हो? तुम तो भारी मुनाफे वाला चंदन का व्यापार करते हो।” व्यापारी बोला, “धारा नगरी सहित मैं कई नगरों में चंदन की गाडियां भरे फिर रहा हूं, पर इस बार चन्दन की बिक्री ही नहीं हुई! बहुत सारा धन इसमें फंसा पडा है। अब नुकसान से बच पाने का कोई उपाय नहीं है। व्यापारी की बातें सुन मंत्री ने पूछा, “क्या अब कोई भी रास्ता नही बचा है?” व्यापारी हंस कर कहने लगा अगर राजा भोज की मृत्यु हो जाये तो उनके दाह-संस्कार के ...

संसार की सबसे शक्तिशाली वस्तु

----संसार की सबसे शक्तिशाली वस्तु ----------------- दोस्तों, क्या आपको पता है की इस संसार की सबसे शक्तिशाली वस्तु क्या है? और क्या वो आपके भी पास है? और अगर है तो क्या आप उसका प्रयोग करना जानते हैं? आइये इस कहानी के माध्यम से इन बातों को समझते हैं: 🌹एक दिन गुरुकुल के शिष्यों में इस बात पर बहस छिड़ गयी कि आखिर इस संसार की सबसे शक्तिशाली वस्तु क्या है ? कोई कुछ कहता, तो कोई कुछ…जब पारस्परिक विवाद का कोई निर्णय ना निकला तो फिर सभी शिष्य गुरुजी के पास पहुँचे। सबसे पहले गुरूजी ने उन सभी शिष्यों की बातों को सुना और कुछ सोचने के बाद बोले- तुम सबों की बुद्धि ख़राब हो गयी है! क्या ये अनाप-शनाप निरर्थक प्रश्न कर रहे हो? इतना कहकर वे वहां से चले गए। हमेशा शांत स्वाभाव में रहने वाले गुरु जी से किसी ने इस प्रतिक्रिया की उम्मीद नहीं की थी। सभी शिष्य क्रोधित हो उठे और आपस में गुरु जी के इस व्यवहार की आलोचना करने लगे। अभी वे आलोचना कर ही रहे थे कि तभी गुरु जी उनके समक्ष पहुंचे और बोले- मुझे तुम सब पर गर्व है, तुम लोग अपना एक भी क्षण व्यर्थ नहीं करते और अवकाश के समय भी ज्ञान चर्चा किया करते हो। गुरु जी ...

मन की शंका

एक साधारण सा किसान था। पहाड़ियों पर कभी चढ़ा नहीं था, हालांकि पहाड़ियां उसके पास ही थीं, दूर नहीं थीं। पर्वत की हरियाली उसे बार-बार अपनी ओर खींचती। उसे पर्वत के ओर-छोर में लगे वृक्षों की सुन्दर पंक्तियाँ आकर्षित करती...लेकिन पर्वत के शिखर तक पहुंचने के लिए रात भर चाहिए, दिन में तो चढ़ा ही नहीं जा सकेगा, क्योंकि दिन में सूर्य की गर्मी, हताशा भर देती है, हिम्मत जवाब दे देती है। उसने पर्वत की चोटी पर चढ़ने के लिए, एक बार पहले भी कोशिश की थी रात को। लेकिन उसके पास रौशनी के लिए लैम्प नहीं थी, लेकिन इस बार उसने लैम्प का प्रबंध कर लिया था और लैम्प लेकर वह एक रात, पर्वत की चोटी तक चढ़ने के लिए घर से निकल पड़ा। लेकिन आत्मविश्वास की कमी ने उसे | फिर रोक लिया। जब उसने पर्वत शिखर पर नजर डाली तो उसे डर लगने लगा। भीतर से डोल गया। उसका मन कह उठा, कैसे चढ़पाओगे। इतनी ऊंची चोटी पर...इतनी दूर तक कैसे जा पाओगे...रात अंधेरी है, कहीं पैर फिसल गया तो..? इसी 'तो' ने उसे हिला दिया। हिम्मत जवाब दे गई। फिर भी उसके भीतर के एक कोने में फिर थोड़ी-सी शक्ति का संचार हुआ। उसने सोचा, इस बार तो मेरे पास यह लैम्...

Father's day

Father's is celebrated to honour fathers worldwide. It is celebrated world wide on different days. Fathers who remain busy in their line of work contribute their full life to their family. They work too hard to make their child successful. Father is the most important person in a child's life. Children mostly value their father but when they lose them they know the value of their father. Although it is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide, many countries observe this day on the third Sunday in June. India also consider this day to celebrate Father's day. In Catholic countries of Europe, it has been celebrated on March 19 as Saint Joseph's Day since the Middle Ages. Here are some things that children can do with their father or for their father on father's day:- 1. They can go to fishing. 2. They can prepare barbeque. 3. Children can make card for their father. 4. They can give flowers to their father. 5. Go to a historic site. 6. They can go to gar...


Bribery  is defined   as the  offering ,  giving ,  receiving , or  soliciting  of any item of value to influence the actions of an official, or other person, in charge of a public legal duty. With regard to governmental operations, essentially, bribery is "Corrupt solicitation, acceptance, or transfer of value in exchange for official action." [ Gifts of money or other items of value which are otherwise available to everyone on an equivalent basis, and not for dishonest purposes, is not bribery. Offering a discount or a refund to all purchasers is a legal  rebate   and is not bribery. For example, it is legal for an employee of a Public Utilities Commission involved in electric rate regulation to accept a rebate on electric service that reduces their cost for electricity, when the rebate is available to other residential electric customers. However, giving a discount specifically to that employee to influence them to look favorably on the e...


Embezzlement is mostly defined as the fraudulent misappropriation of goods of another by a servant, an agent, or another person to whom possession of the goods has been entrusted. The offense has no single or precise definition. Typically, embezzlement occurs when a person gains possession of goods lawfully and subsequently misappropriates them. In this respect, embezzlement is to be contrasted with the crime of  l arceny, which requires the taking of goods from the possession of another without the latter’s  c onsent. The scope of the old common-law crime of larceny has been gradually extended by various manipulations of the concept of possession. An English statute of 1529 held in effect that a servant who carried away goods entrusted to him by his master had committed larceny, since the legal title as opposed to the physical possession had never been transferred to him. This extension failed to cover situations in which the servant received goods from a third person in...


Nepotism is based on favoritism granted to relatives in various fields, including business, politics, entertainment, sports, religion and other activities. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to important positions by Catholic popes and bishops. Nepotism has been criticized since the ancient times by several philosophers, including Aristotle, Valluvar, and Confucius. For instance, the ancient Indian philosopher Valluvar condemned nepotism as both evil and unwise. Nepotism is based on favoritism granted to relatives in various fields, including business, politics, entertainment, sports, religion and other activities. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to important positions by Catholic popes and bishops. Nepotism has been criticized since the ancient times by several philosophers, including Aristotle, Valluvar, and Confucius. For instance, the ancient Indian philosopher Valluvar condemned nepotism as both evil and unwise. Nepotism exists everywhere not onl...

The Power of Prayer

Prayer is like breathing. Without breathing we cannot live. When we breathe, air enters our lungs, cleanses the blood in our veins by relieving it of the carbon dioxide, and supplying it with oxygen. If I do not breathe for a few minutes I die. When I have hard physical work to do, I need more air than when I am sleeping or sitting in a chair. Fortunately God has so ordained that we do not die spiritually just because we have failed to pray for sometime. But where there is no prayer sin accumulates and the proper functioning of the spiritual life becomes obstructed. Prayer  is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication. In the narrow sense, the term refers to an act of supplication or intercession directed towards a god , or a deified ancestor. It happened in the United States in 1980. Sixteen year old Timothy Vercimo and David Williams were attending a course in parachute flying in New York. They had...

Sources of Harappan civilization

Our knowledge of the Harappan civilisation is based entirely on the archaeological remains such as buildings, pottery, sculpture, seals and cemeteries. This is so because no adequate written records are available. A number of seals were discovered with a few letters engraved on each, but the script has not been deciphered as yet. Therefore, the major sources of our information about the Harappan Civilisation are the following:- 1. The Great Bath : The Great Bath is one of the largest public buildings at Mohenjo-daro. It has a large rectangular tank in a courtyard surrounded by a corridor on all four sides. There are two flights of steps one in the north and the other in the south leading into the tank. To make the pool watertight, burnt bricks and mortar lined with bitumen and gypsum were used for construction. The water for the bath was provided by a well in an adjacent room. Surrounding the bath, were porticos and sets of rooms, and a stairway which led to an upper storey...

Home Sweet Home!!

A home, or domicile, is a living space used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individual, family, household or several families in a tribe. It is often a house, apartment, or other building, or alternatively a mobile home, houseboat, yurt or any other portable shelter. For a person living a normal, home is the best place. We might not find the comfort that we find at home. Many people don't have their own home they live in rent house or flats. Home is a place where one not only feels comfortable, but a place they look forward to opportunely live in every day. A home is built not by bricks or wood, but with the bond of family. A home is a place that reminds a person of countless memories and values. Home has always been a gathering place, shelter, and sanctuary, providing escape from the busyness and intrusiveness of the world. Much thought about, treasured, and longed for as an anchor of our existence, home has been the subject of abundant written w...

Mother's day

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honoring family members, such as Father's Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents Day.  Many Siblings remember their mothers and mother figures on Mother’s Day. Mother figures may include stepmothers, relatives, mothers-in-law, a guardian, or a family friend. There are many different ways to celebrate Mother’s Day. They include : Giving cards, flowers, or cakes. Family gatherings or visits. Family breakfasts, brunches, lunches, and dinners either at home, at a café or at a restaurant. Personal phone calls, particularly from children who live away from their mothers and/or mother figures. Mother’s Day poems and messages. Gifts of chocolate, jewelry, accessories, clothing, hobby equipment o...

Early Vedic Literature

Vedic literature is divided into two namely shruti and smriti. It is believed that the Shruti was revealed to the sages by God and they passed on that knowledge orally from generation to generation.On the other hand Smriti literature was composed by the Rishis. The Vedic literature can be classified into the following categories:- 1. The four Vedas, i.e.,the Rig, Sama,Yajur and Atharva Vedas and their Samhitas. 2. The Brahmanas attached to each Samhita. 3. The Aranyakas 4. The Upanishad The Vedas 1. The Rig Veda : It is the oldest religious text in the world and is therefore, known as the first testament of mankind'. It is divided into 10 mandalas. It is said to have been composed during the early Vedic Period. The hymns are dedicated by the sages to Gods. They were passed on orally from teachers to their disciples. The Rig Vedic hymns are the authentic sources of knowledge of the life of people of the time. Much of the Indian philosophy is based on the Rig Veda. It als...


What is STEPnBUY? STEPnBUY is an online affiliate shopping service that helps you to compare prices on a range of products. At STEPnBUY, we want to provide the highest possible level of service to all our customers. Our mission is simple. We are building the definite resource for discovering products and exploring them. Our vision is to create a company where everyone is empowered with the right products and knowledge. We know that making essential experiences for product lovers requires leveraging the best that digital and social platforms all have to offer. Why choose STEPnBUY? Expert Advice You want to make the right decision. Our customer care team is here to help seven days a week. Exclusive Deals You want the perfect deals. We offer deals you can't get anywhere else. Work with Purpose The best, most valuable work we can do comes from focusing on priorties and collaborating with positive intentions.

Sights and sounds of school after rain of 24 hours

It had been raining from 24 hours. I was feeling bored during the rain but I felt happy when rain stopped. I wanna go to play outside but my father being a very strict person did not listened to my plea that it had been raining from 24 hours and no one will come to school. I took my cycle and moved on for school. Unlikely, I was going to school and thinking that the school might be closed. Fortunately, My thinking came true and I got news that our principal of school announced holiday. Then i arrived to my home and saw some disgusting sights on the road. Firstly, I saw some animals on road who were flowing on road in water and dying as they did not get food and how much food they had got wet in water. Though, many animals were dying because of foodlessness some good people were also there who were feeding them. Secondly, I saw some poor people who did not had homes and there temporary houses also flourished in rain. I was very upset after seeing these things.

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing   is a type of  performance based marketing   in which a business rewards one or more  affiliates   for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing   efforts. Affiliate marketing is the most profitable way to make money.        How does affiliate marketing works? Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing wherein you refer someone to any online product and when that person buys the product based on your recommendation, you receive a commission. This commission varies from $1 to $10,000 depending on what product you are promoting. Many online companies who sell products such as shoes, web-hosting spaces, or some other service,   usually offer an   affiliate program.  You can simply sign up for the program and get your unique tracking link. Now, whenever you are writing about their product, you can simply use this special tracking affiliate link to recom...

The Harappan Civilisation

The discovery of Indus Valley Civilisation in the 20th century was an imprtant event in the history of India. Upon this time it was believed that the history of India began with the advent of Aryans. The discovery of the Harappan civilisation stretched back the origin of the Indian history so as to put it at par with the oldest civilisation of the world Mesopotamian civilisation. Subsequently, vestiges of the civilization were found as far apart as   in southwestern  Balochistan   province, Pakistan, near the shore of the  Arabian sea , about 480 km west of Karachi and at  Ropar  , in eastern  Punjab   state, northwestern India , at the foot of the Shimla Hills some 1,000 miles northeast of Sutkagen Dor. Later exploration established its existence southward down the west coast of India as far as the Gulf of Khambat, 500 miles southeast of Karachi, and as far east as the  Yamuna river   basin, 30 miles north of  Delh...

What is Anatomy and Physiology?

Anatomy is a branch of biology which studies the human body structure. This science provides us the details of human structure, its shape and interrelation of various parts of the body. Physiology is the science which deals with the functioning of various organs or systems, their relationship with other organs and their effects. In other words, physiology is the science of mechanical, physical, bioelectrical and biochemical functions of human organs and the cells of which they are composed of. Main systems of the human body are :- 1.Skeletal System 2.Muscular System 3.Glandular System 4.Circulatory System                  5.Respiratory System 6.Digestive System 7.Nervous System 8.Reproductive System 9.Excretory System There is so much importance of Anatomy and Physiology. These are important subjects of biology and give us knowledge about our body. Anatomy is a subject which helps us to understand the body structure properly. Physiology helps...


Coronavirus is a dangerous virus which spread through contact between two people. We should stay safe from coronavirus. It is said that a person who is infected with coronavirus can die in 7 days. We should be careful of coronavirus and not be careless about it. Many people die with this disease. It have been spread in the world. Many people in Italy have been died because of this disease. Coronavirus is very dangerous virus and should not taken easily. We can use sanitizers to be safe and should not shake hands.  Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.  Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of ...

Friends should be like that!!

Friends are very important in our life. Things we cannot share with our parents, we share those things with our friends. We enjoy a lot with our friends. Friends can be good or bad. Good friends stop us from doing bad things and help us to be successful in our life but bad friends motivate us to do bad things and destroys our life. The friendship of Karna and Duryodhana is the best example of friendship. According to hindu mythology, Karna was the son of Kunti. She left her in a river as she was not married. Karna known as "Surya Putra" was a great warrior. A shudra   family took karna and nurtured him. Duryodhana was the son of Dhitrashtra . When everybody dishonoured Karna in the Sabha, only Duryodhana honoured him and they become friends. Duryodhana was evil as he wanted to kill Pandavas  but Karna helped him. Krishna tried to break friendship of Karna and Duryodhana but Karna never agreed with him. Karna always helped Duryodhana. Krishna told Karna everything that all fiv...

Discipline of Kite

A flying kite in the air always make us happy. A kite tied with thread teaches us discipline in many ways. A kite teaches us the importance of control, change according to the situations and binding. We can easily know the importance of these things by flying a kite.Just look on the behavior of kite and you will understand how a kite teaches us discipline only through thread. Many people can think discipline as a bound. Mostly all people think is a bound until they knew the importance of discipline. If we want to understand discipline in other way, we can take an example of kite. A kite flies too high in the sky but only thread is there which controls the kite.  There is a tradition in Punjab and Gujarat to fly kites on Lohri and Makar Sakranti. On this day, all people stay on their roofs and fly kites. Children, Youth's and old people too fly kites. These festivals gives us the message of disciplined characters.  Kite means immense balance, systematic control, agg...


Mahashivratri or Shivratri is a great day for all the followers of Lord Shiva. It is the day when Lord Shiva and Parvati got married. On this occasion, People wake up early in the morning and go to Parbhatpheri's.  On this day all the Temples are decorated with lights, flowers,etc. People do bath and go to the Temples near to their house. People sing devotional songs on this day and enjoy a lot. Shivratri is celebrated for various reasons. Some stories are also connected to Shivratri. On the occasion of Shivratri, this incident happened.  According to Hindu mythology,Many years ago,A hunter lived in forest with his family.He took care of his family by killing the animals.One day he was going to the forest and started hunting but he did not found any animal in the forest. He was very tired and he sat on a Bailpatr tree with some water near him.He put the water near him that he brought from home to drink.A lake was there in front of him and a Shivling was under the tree on ...

Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva,one of the Tridevas, is also know as "The Destroyer".Destroyer means the destroyer of evil.Tri means 3 and devas means God.Tridevas are Lord Vishnu,Lord Brahma,Lord Shiva.Lord Vishnu is also called the preserver and Lord Brahma is also called the creator.Lord Shiva has the most names in the world such as Neelkanth,Shankar,Rudra,Gangadhara Bholenath     Lord Shiva is the husband of Parvati.The wives of Tridevas are Tridevis.Lord Shiva has many mythological stories-: Long years ago, during the samudramanthan,Lord Shiva drank poison,a dangerous poison known as Kaalakoota or Halahala.He dranked it because he wanted to save the world from the effect of Halahala.He stopped the poison in his throat,so he is known as Neelkanth. Lord Shiva listens to all either Devas or Asuras.He never become partial with anybody.His greatness is seen in many stories.Once Parvati became very angry and turned into her Kali Ma avatar.She was destroying the Earth and killing...